Charity Work
At Robert Glass, we never forget where we came from. From humble origins, we are now proud to work right across the north – west. It’s also just as important for us to remember where we are right now. We are proud to be a part of every community in which we play a part.
It’s important to our ethos to share our success with those less fortunate. We are incredibly proud to work with a number of charities based right here in the north – west, all of which are local to our stores and play an important role in the lives of both our teams and our customers.
Our links to these 3 fantastic charities goes beyond just donating money. We regularly hold open days to support the work they do. Recently, at our Shaw practice, we were delighted to welcome British actor John Henshaw, a Kershaw’s ambassador, best known for his role as Ken Dixon the landlord in Early Doors.

Dr Kershaw’s
The Hospice provides specialist palliative care for adults with non – curable, life – limiting illnesses in a peaceful and homely environment. Dr Kershaw’s Hospice is an independent hospice and a registered charity. Our Oldham and Shaw practices decided to support this worthy charity

Zoes Place
Zoё’s Place provides palliative, respite and end – of – life care to babies and infants aged from birth to five years old suffering from life – limiting or life – threatening conditions. Liverpool was the first Zoё’s Place to be opened in 1995. Zoё’s Place can take up to six infants at any one time, providing care on a one – to – one basis, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our Liverpool practice supports this amazing charity

St Ann’s Hospice
St Ann’s Hospice cares and helps around 3,000 patients (over the age of 16) and their families and carers every year who are affected by cancer and non – cancer life limiting illnesses. Around 40% of inpatients at St Ann’s Hospice return home after treatment. St Ann’s Hospice provides care on 3 sites and in people’s own homes, working in partnership with acute hospitals, primary care trusts, community services and voluntary organisations. Our Cheetham Hill and Longsight practices support this worthy charity.